Hello, I'm Jose.
I'm a Front-End Web Developer.
Greetings, I am currently looking for an Internship or Entry Level Front-End Web Developer role. I completed a Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp at UTSA in January 2022. You are welcome to contact me if you have any further questions.
Thank You
Apps I've Built
Here are some of the Web applications I have created and worked on with a team of developers from the Bootcamp.
Weather App
Parece Que Va Llover
The user is able to search for there city and weather information will be displayed. Technologies used: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Api's. Visit: https://openweathermap.org/ for an API key.
Yelp API / Google Maps API
This application allows the user to look for reaturants near them using google maps built into the app with Google maps API.
Password App
Password Generator
This Random password generator allows the user to create a password with a variety of characters and the user will also be able to copy the password to clipboard.
Responsive 404
Error 404
This 404 page is responsive with a floating ghost svg image. This is a tutorial from youtube with my own changes.
Skills & Technologies
These are some of the skills that I have worked with during the bootcamp and looking to work with more now with new personal projects.
San Antonio, TX